Every evolutionary reset of broadband cellular networks developed and delivered virtually every decade, promises and offers many superior capabilities to its forerunners. Broadband cellular network technology is assessed in “generations,” such as the fourth generation (4G) and the current fifth-generation (5G).
The world’s fastest-expanding wireless network is 5G. The internet will be transformed in a positive way by 5G, which is expected to have a strong upward growth pattern and reach $5 billion in market shares by 2022, according to Gartner. This projection is quite telling for businesses that have adopted the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Although 5G was available commercially in 2019, COVID-19 sparked a boom in remote working and training that continued into 2020 and beyond.
The pace of the 5G network will be over a hundred times quicker than that of the 4G network, enabling reliable on-the-go work or play at any time and from any location.
Reduced latency:
Lower latency provided by 5G enables software with AI capabilities and data-intensive and volumetric IIoT applications.
Increased data capacity:
With a 1,000-fold increase in capacity over 4G, 5G enables a faster and more significant expansion of the IIoT with data-intensive machinery and equipment.
The position of 5G in the industrial world:
Consumers and businesses alike are welcoming 5G with open arms. The manufacturing sector, among others, will experience growth that has never been experienced before as a result of this. Advanced and developing technologies will be supported by 5G’s increased bandwidth and speed.