The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) suggested on Wednesday that the govt modify the regulations under the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act that regulate the nation’s cable Television distribution industry to allow the utilization of the last mile connectivity built by Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) to promote broadband ties.
According to TRAI’s suggestions, the government should take appropriate steps to encourage and support the sharing of cable infrastructure by local cable providers and TSPs.
It also stated that while India’s vast cable TV distribution business does not need any extra rules or remedial measures to increase competitiveness, trends should be observed and essential actions taken at the proper time.
According to TRAI, cable providers can perform an essential role in broadband distribution if a suitable policy structure is in force. The industry and government must work together to promote the spread of cable broadband.
The telecom and broadcast sector controller acknowledged that broadband configuration management and television content implementation are handled by two separate licences, one governed by the Department of Telecommunications and the other by the Ministry of I&B. “The existing rules/regulations for using cable television infrastructure to provide broadband need to be reviewed.” A cable provider lays the system in accordance with the Right of Way Rules established by the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act of 1995. To empower the use of cable networks for broadband services, rules under the Cable Television Networks (Regulation), Act 1995, must be appropriately modified to inspire cable operators that provide last mile direct exposure to service suppliers for the provisioning of broadband services, according to TRAI.